This is a free introductory course into FAST financial modelling


 At the end of the course the beginners will be able to:

  • Have the confidence to design and build a model from scratch
  • Understand and apply modelling best practice based on the FAST financial modelling standards
  • Understand important Excel functions and use them to build the foundations of a robust, reliable and flexible financial model
  • Review and validate all types of financial models.


The key prerequisites are a fair MS Excel knowledge which will ensure a quality learning experience for all participants. This is not intended to be a basic Excel course.

Course Outline

The courses are based around a corporate finance case study where participants are required to value a company and compute key ratios. The course teaches participantsthe building blocks for successful financial modelling: 

  • Using the FAST Standard for financial modelling 
  • Understanding the accounting, tax, and finance issues
  • Forecasting operating financial model variables
  • Planning the model 
  • Building the model in a structured manner and building in flexibility

The case is launched immediately after the introduction, and is used to illustrate, reinforce and test all of the principles and methods taught.


At the end of the course the beginners will be able to:

  • Have the confidence to design and build a model from scratch
  • Understandand apply modelling best practice based on the FASTfinancial modelling standards
  • Understand important Excel functions and use them to build the foundations of a robust, reliable and flexible financial model
  • Review and validate all types of financial models


The key prerequisites are a fair MS Excel knowledge which will ensure a quality learning experience for all participants. This is NOT intended to be a basic Excel course.

Course Outline

The courses are based around a project finance case study where participants are required to value a company and compute key ratios. The course teaches participants the building blocksfor successful financial modelling:

  • Using the FAST standard for financial modelling
  • Understandingtheaccounting,taxandfinanceissues
  • Forecasting operating financial model variables
  • Planning the model
  • Building the model in a structured manner and building in flexibility.

The case study is launched immediately after the introduction and is used to illustrate, reinforce and test all the principles and methods taught.